Saturday, May 30, 2009

Live long and prosper.

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to see a movie"STAR TREK".
Well, that was the first time for me to watch Star Trek movie... I watched TV show little bit.
I wasn't so interested in Star Trek but...because I didn't know so much so while we were watching, he explain a lot !! like red shirt always die,they love the word 'logic' and some other things. Now I know little bit so I want to know more!!We gotta watch all Star Trek movie and TV show☆My boy friend said R2-D2 is somewhere in the Star Trek movie. I couldn't find it,actually I forgot about that!! I remembered after the movie... but he found it!!

We love popcorn so we bought before the movie starts
(without popcorn it's not a movie experience:-D)
but doesn't last long!!!! eating too fast.
That was so good though♪ half of it was butter and other half was caramel!!!yummy♪

Most Japanese know STAR WARS but not so many know Star Trek.
Because of that, we thought we were in the U.S. It seems like everyone was speaking English.
Not so many Japanese talk when they watch a movie or,,,everywhere!!
When we finish watching it was like 8:30 so many foreigner was standing in front of the ticket counter and buying tickets for Star Trek. I didn't see any Japanese!!

After that, we went to SUBWAY and had Turkey breast subs.