Thursday, July 16, 2009

I told you!!

Last Saturday, CJ and I went to the water park near our house. We both want to get a suntan and I know what to do but last summer he didn't listen, so he had really bad sunburn. But this year I wouldn't let him do that;-P As soon as we got changed, I put suncream on his back especially on his shoulder. And he put it on mine. I love cold water so I had no problem getting in the pool but he said it's too cold so it took while him to get in;)
It was the first day of this year and we went there before lunch time so not so many people were swimming. I felt like a mermaid♪ The whether was beautiful, nice breeze...perfect day for swimming.

After we swam little bit, we decided to go sunbathing. I asked him to put more suncream on my back and of course I said "You should put more suncream or you'll get sunburn." but he said "I put it on before swimming and it's water proof so I'll be fine." then he fell asleep.
For a while his back looked OK, not red and not hot but when we got changed I could see his arms were little bit red...and when we came back to our house his shoulder was pretty red and hot so I put 'after suncream' well, it was actually gel. I put it on him twice a day for few days so his sunburn seemed to be gone now=)

I'm sure he'll listen to me from next time;-D

After going to the water park, we went to see a movie.

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