Sunday, August 16, 2009

The best cat food ever!!!

CJ's mom has an allergy to cats, but somehow she has two cats.

That is not the whole story. CJ's sister owns these cats and when she moved out of her mother's house she left the cats:-(

Anyhow, She is also feeding wild cats!! It's natural that more cats will come if you feed them, you know.

Since we came to Boston, every morning like half of the cat food was yanked out and next day it was completely gone!!!! It's quite big cat feeder but EVERY time...
What kind of animal can do that?!

Surely, it's not a cat or doggies as they would make a big mess but it seems like they are using scoop to take it out.

CJ's mom thought that a bird or cat did that, but CJ thought that was done by a raccoon!!
Since they can use their hands like us:-)

Because we had jet lag, so we often woke up like three or four o'clock in the morning.
Most of the animals are nocturnal, you know☆=
so we could see some animals whenever we checked the cat feeder though the window during the night.

One evening, about six o'clock we just wanted to check the feeder, so we went to outside.
There was some animal eating cat food...

Can you guess what kind animal we saw at that time?!

We saw a SKUNK X-( !!!

CJ went outside first, and as soon as he saw skunk he said
"SKUUUUUNK!!!!!" and no one likes to get sprayed, right?;-D
He pushed me back into the house to avoid getting sprayed BUT I never saw a skunk so I wanted to see it☆ so I pushed him to go back to outside and once I saw a skunk we ran to the house.

Oh, thank you!! We were safe♪♪

BTW, if you get sprayed do you know what to do??
You have to take a tomato juice bath.If you were too close to the skunk when it's gonna hurts!!!!!
So if you see a skunk...

Run as fast as you can!!!!!
You better not push your boyfriend;-P

Oh, one night, CJ saw a raccoon so he came back to our room and woke me up, but when I get there the raccoon was I couldn't see it:-(

Also, in the day time some birds were eating the cat food, even though we bought a bird feeder..

These are "blue jays"
I don't like birds so much but I like these birdThey are kinda crazy:-D Jumping around the cat food.

And of course cats.
I saw at least five including some kittens.

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