Sunday, August 16, 2009

The best cat food ever!!!

CJ's mom has an allergy to cats, but somehow she has two cats.

That is not the whole story. CJ's sister owns these cats and when she moved out of her mother's house she left the cats:-(

Anyhow, She is also feeding wild cats!! It's natural that more cats will come if you feed them, you know.

Since we came to Boston, every morning like half of the cat food was yanked out and next day it was completely gone!!!! It's quite big cat feeder but EVERY time...
What kind of animal can do that?!

Surely, it's not a cat or doggies as they would make a big mess but it seems like they are using scoop to take it out.

CJ's mom thought that a bird or cat did that, but CJ thought that was done by a raccoon!!
Since they can use their hands like us:-)

Because we had jet lag, so we often woke up like three or four o'clock in the morning.
Most of the animals are nocturnal, you know☆=
so we could see some animals whenever we checked the cat feeder though the window during the night.

One evening, about six o'clock we just wanted to check the feeder, so we went to outside.
There was some animal eating cat food...

Can you guess what kind animal we saw at that time?!

We saw a SKUNK X-( !!!

CJ went outside first, and as soon as he saw skunk he said
"SKUUUUUNK!!!!!" and no one likes to get sprayed, right?;-D
He pushed me back into the house to avoid getting sprayed BUT I never saw a skunk so I wanted to see it☆ so I pushed him to go back to outside and once I saw a skunk we ran to the house.

Oh, thank you!! We were safe♪♪

BTW, if you get sprayed do you know what to do??
You have to take a tomato juice bath.If you were too close to the skunk when it's gonna hurts!!!!!
So if you see a skunk...

Run as fast as you can!!!!!
You better not push your boyfriend;-P

Oh, one night, CJ saw a raccoon so he came back to our room and woke me up, but when I get there the raccoon was I couldn't see it:-(

Also, in the day time some birds were eating the cat food, even though we bought a bird feeder..

These are "blue jays"
I don't like birds so much but I like these birdThey are kinda crazy:-D Jumping around the cat food.

And of course cats.
I saw at least five including some kittens.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Never Let Anybody Underestimate You.

Last Saturday CJ and I went to see the movie 'Monsters vs Aliens', after we went to the water park. It started in Japan on that day!!
We made a small mistake so we didn't have so much time. When we got to the ticket counter the woman said "The movie has just started, is that OK?"so I said it's OK then we bought a popcorn and went to the theater. There were only 20 to 30 people watching the movie and we got there when Susan became huge in the church. I hope we didn't miss so much=)
The movie was OK kind like Clone Wars at some parts;-) I like Bob, he's cute but I don't like Insectosaurus. I can't understand why they choose those eyes!!!!!! It looks like the yellow guy from 'Horton'. Anyhow, I thought that movie was supposed to be in 3D but they didn't give us a 3D glasses. Sometimes the seats shook a little bit but it wasn't 3D!!!! So, we went to the counter after the movie and asked them about that. they said 'Well, we also have 3D version but theater is different and time schedule is different.'

.......Don't you think they should tell us when we bought the tickets?! Like "The movie has just started and it's not in 3D, is that OK?"then maybe I would've thought about it. I didn't know they have regular version.

I told you!!

Last Saturday, CJ and I went to the water park near our house. We both want to get a suntan and I know what to do but last summer he didn't listen, so he had really bad sunburn. But this year I wouldn't let him do that;-P As soon as we got changed, I put suncream on his back especially on his shoulder. And he put it on mine. I love cold water so I had no problem getting in the pool but he said it's too cold so it took while him to get in;)
It was the first day of this year and we went there before lunch time so not so many people were swimming. I felt like a mermaid♪ The whether was beautiful, nice breeze...perfect day for swimming.

After we swam little bit, we decided to go sunbathing. I asked him to put more suncream on my back and of course I said "You should put more suncream or you'll get sunburn." but he said "I put it on before swimming and it's water proof so I'll be fine." then he fell asleep.
For a while his back looked OK, not red and not hot but when we got changed I could see his arms were little bit red...and when we came back to our house his shoulder was pretty red and hot so I put 'after suncream' well, it was actually gel. I put it on him twice a day for few days so his sunburn seemed to be gone now=)

I'm sure he'll listen to me from next time;-D

After going to the water park, we went to see a movie.

In one week.

On July 23rd, CJ and I will go to the U.S. for three weeks.
Thank you!! I can run away from Japanese summer for a while!!!! It's super duper hot and humid 8-(
Last summer we went for about one month.(I'm gonna write on my blog about these trip soon♪ I hope!!)
This time, we'll stay in Boston for most of our trip and he'll take me to the city:> CJ's from Boston and last time we didn't have so much time so we couldn't do so many things in Boston.

We will also go to New York for couple of days.

I'm sure there will be some sweet surprise=)
Maybe I'm gonna write about it when we come back;-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

He always thinking about sweet

CJ and I like to do puzzles and some other stuff. He bought a puzzle a long time ago but he didn't have time to do it. Because we are living together so he can do more things after he comes home from work=)
About two weeks ago we decided to do that puzzle. First, you have to make all 120 small puzzles.(That took such a long time- like 6 hours!!!) the box said 'every layer is a movie image jigsaw!'... but It's NOT!!!!!
(Some of the pictures were cartoon versions of the character, or stylized logos or just words like 'Hero', 'Justice' or such - C.J. )
Anyhow, each puzzle has unusual shape, so I couldn't guess what part will it be:-P

Then we put the small puzzles on top of each other in order. I had never done a puzzle like that, but it was fun♪♪ Some pictures were nice but they are using same picture few times and most of them were from episode 1,2 and 3... I can understand because it's Darth Vader...but I think they could put old one also, you know:-)

We also have another puzzle.
It's a 3D earth and cities will glow in a dark!! Sounds nice, doesn't it? That will be our next project☆

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amazing summer☆2008 part1

Since I met him, my life changed a lot. In a good way We always do things together, help and encourage each other, sleep together, we can have fun, I can't write everything!! It would take forever!!

Anyhow, I never went to America before I met him. I have gone to Singapore, Australia and Guam. From Japan these country don't have such a great time difference, maxim is 1 hour so I never had jet lag, of course.

We took a short trip on March 07, we watched "Blue Man Group"(That was really interesting and unusual.) and went to Tokyo Disney Land and Disney Sea!! I went to TDL so many times but had never gone to Disney Sea...

E it!!! Because my 2 favorite Disney movies are "Aladdin" and " The Little Mermaid"That was just amazing!!
I'm sure he enjoyed a lot but he had allergy for the first time in his life so he had quite hard time I guess:(

BTW, he kept asking me about going to the U.S. for a month. Well, of course I would have loved to go but I didn't have so much money so I couldn't say clearly. In his mind he already decided that we are going to the U.S. together.

That trip was really crazy!!
Osaka→Tokyo→San Francisco→Las Vegas→
Los Angels→Boston→Orlando→Boston→Tokyo→Osaka

July 21, 2008 Tokyo
We went to see
the first Star Wars Convention held in Japan

We had only 4 hours before the next flight...That was really tight and it took much longer to get to the convention so we had to see it quickly. There were so many people wearing costumes and of course R2-D2 was so cute.

-----back to the airport-----

We didn't have time to eat lunch, so when we get to the airport we went to SUBWAY:)
I can remember so well, I'm sure that was the first time went to SUBWAY together. Of course I had no idea what he is going to order but we ordered same sub♪ We are always synced:)

Narita to San Francisco
That flight was the longest I ever had!!
When I woke up I felt so sick and had really bad headache and felt dizzy!! Oh, That's not good.
We were almost in San Francisco...So CJ asked the crew to bring me some medicine, and I took it but it takes while:(
When we got to San Francisco, CJ went to the citizen line, and I was supposed to go to visitors line and wait for a long time...but I didn't:)
While I was waiting in the line wasn't moving at all so I was looking at CJ,.. because I still felt sick and that time was really hard for me to stand so I called to him. Then one of the officers came to me and he said 'Are you with him?' so I said 'yes.' and I could move to citizen line also I could hear that officer saying to some other officer that I'm his(CJ's) wife!! I was just happy to hear that at that time, but now I know about visa little bit, so when I think about it that was quite risky. Because that time I didn't have any visa and CJ was holding my return ticket!!

The immigration officer asked me so many questions, I thought he was really friendly but now I think he was kind suspicious of me...I was talking to him ‘for about 5 minutes and he took my finger prints then finally, I could enter the U.S.!! Thank you!!

Well, it wasn't finished yet. Our flight was delayed for about 30 minutes and we had to get the connecting flight to Las Vegas scheduled for departure at 10:45AM. That meant we had less than one hour. It wasn't too bad but I was so tired and REALLY sleepy(jet lag!!!!you know, in Japan it was like 3 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep well on the plane.) So I just wanted to go to the hotel and sleep. We walked to gate 75... and you know what?!

The flight was delayed for about 2 hours!!
I don't drink coffee and usually the smell doesn't bother me but while we were waiting everyone was drinking coffee...and I wasn't feeling so good so that coffee smell made me feel sick. I wasn't sure if I was too hungry or what. I didn't eat so much so I must have been hungry but I didn't feel like eating at all!! But CJ was hungry and I thought if I saw food maybe I could eat something but I really have to get away from that smell!! so we went to "Lori's diner"...

to be continued...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lolo in Wonderland.

I'm not big fan of art but I like M.C. Escher=) His world is really interesting! How could he get that kind inspiration...

←This, I think everyone must seen it at least once "Waterfall".
Isn't this amazing?!

"Relativity" is one of my favorite...→


I found "Relativity" LEGO version. If I know how to make this,I'd love to do that!!