Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amazing summer☆2008 part1

Since I met him, my life changed a lot. In a good way We always do things together, help and encourage each other, sleep together, we can have fun, I can't write everything!! It would take forever!!

Anyhow, I never went to America before I met him. I have gone to Singapore, Australia and Guam. From Japan these country don't have such a great time difference, maxim is 1 hour so I never had jet lag, of course.

We took a short trip on March 07, we watched "Blue Man Group"(That was really interesting and unusual.) and went to Tokyo Disney Land and Disney Sea!! I went to TDL so many times but had never gone to Disney Sea...

E it!!! Because my 2 favorite Disney movies are "Aladdin" and " The Little Mermaid"That was just amazing!!
I'm sure he enjoyed a lot but he had allergy for the first time in his life so he had quite hard time I guess:(

BTW, he kept asking me about going to the U.S. for a month. Well, of course I would have loved to go but I didn't have so much money so I couldn't say clearly. In his mind he already decided that we are going to the U.S. together.

That trip was really crazy!!
Osaka→Tokyo→San Francisco→Las Vegas→
Los Angels→Boston→Orlando→Boston→Tokyo→Osaka

July 21, 2008 Tokyo
We went to see
the first Star Wars Convention held in Japan

We had only 4 hours before the next flight...That was really tight and it took much longer to get to the convention so we had to see it quickly. There were so many people wearing costumes and of course R2-D2 was so cute.

-----back to the airport-----

We didn't have time to eat lunch, so when we get to the airport we went to SUBWAY:)
I can remember so well, I'm sure that was the first time went to SUBWAY together. Of course I had no idea what he is going to order but we ordered same sub♪ We are always synced:)

Narita to San Francisco
That flight was the longest I ever had!!
When I woke up I felt so sick and had really bad headache and felt dizzy!! Oh, That's not good.
We were almost in San Francisco...So CJ asked the crew to bring me some medicine, and I took it but it takes while:(
When we got to San Francisco, CJ went to the citizen line, and I was supposed to go to visitors line and wait for a long time...but I didn't:)
While I was waiting in the line wasn't moving at all so I was looking at CJ,.. because I still felt sick and that time was really hard for me to stand so I called to him. Then one of the officers came to me and he said 'Are you with him?' so I said 'yes.' and I could move to citizen line also I could hear that officer saying to some other officer that I'm his(CJ's) wife!! I was just happy to hear that at that time, but now I know about visa little bit, so when I think about it that was quite risky. Because that time I didn't have any visa and CJ was holding my return ticket!!

The immigration officer asked me so many questions, I thought he was really friendly but now I think he was kind suspicious of me...I was talking to him ‘for about 5 minutes and he took my finger prints then finally, I could enter the U.S.!! Thank you!!

Well, it wasn't finished yet. Our flight was delayed for about 30 minutes and we had to get the connecting flight to Las Vegas scheduled for departure at 10:45AM. That meant we had less than one hour. It wasn't too bad but I was so tired and REALLY sleepy(jet lag!!!!you know, in Japan it was like 3 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep well on the plane.) So I just wanted to go to the hotel and sleep. We walked to gate 75... and you know what?!

The flight was delayed for about 2 hours!!
I don't drink coffee and usually the smell doesn't bother me but while we were waiting everyone was drinking coffee...and I wasn't feeling so good so that coffee smell made me feel sick. I wasn't sure if I was too hungry or what. I didn't eat so much so I must have been hungry but I didn't feel like eating at all!! But CJ was hungry and I thought if I saw food maybe I could eat something but I really have to get away from that smell!! so we went to "Lori's diner"...

to be continued...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lolo in Wonderland.

I'm not big fan of art but I like M.C. Escher=) His world is really interesting! How could he get that kind inspiration...

←This, I think everyone must seen it at least once "Waterfall".
Isn't this amazing?!

"Relativity" is one of my favorite...→


I found "Relativity" LEGO version. If I know how to make this,I'd love to do that!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Did you hear a Who??

Last night, we watched "Horton hears a who". We had already seen "Grinch" staring Jim Carrey, but we didn't like it so much however Horton was pretty good actually :) Horton looks the same as in the book, and some other characters too♪ The Who village is just like the Seuss Landing in Islands of Adventure (part of Universal Studios Orlando). I didn't like Jojo though, too dark and he doesn't look happy... well I can understand if I have 96 sisters and I am the only boy!! That will be ...you know.

One thing I can't understand is small yellow fluffy guy. In this picture he looks cute but in the movie he is certainty not!! I don't know what he is doing and supposed to be. What kind of animal is that?! Does anybody know??

I wish Horton and the Whos could meet each other.

save R2-D2!!!!

Do you know the game "Pop up Pirate"?? It's a game originally from Japan under the name "Kurohige Kiki Ippatsu"(黒ひげ危機一髪).
To play, first place the Pirate on top of the barrel and turn it.
Then put plastic swords into slots, one of the slots will cause the Pirate to pop up. The person who causes the pirate to pop up loses.

What I mean is CJ won a auction and got a "Pop up R2-D2". I don't
know what to call it in English.
It was much bigger then I expected about 30cm tall and looks so nice♪

Also it's in perfect condition. The pop up part is Luke's lightsaber, and the game play is actually fixing R2-D2. Every time you put in a tool he makes a sound, once the lightsaber pops up that person wins the game.
Though, we made our own rule that person who catches the lightsaber win:)
You know, because I don't want artoo to get damaged!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Amazing Race -Season 9- TTOW

As you probably already know, I like "The Amazing Race".
I didn't know about it at all until like six months ago. My boyfriend's mom told us that they came to Osaka,Japan!(You know my boyfriend and I are currently living in Osaka.)
He knew of the show, but both of us had never watched it. So after we watched that episode and I really wanted to watch every episode, so I asked him and I got it!! That episode that we watched was in season 12 so I wanted to watch from season 1:) That's kind crazy, isn't it?
Right now, we are watching season 10☆*゜Please no spoilers. We are so far behind

Anyhow, we were watching season 9. That was the best race ever!! I think there were good ones but I forgot completely;) OMG, BJ and Tyler,,,I love them(*>ω<). How can they be so good??They are just amazing!!
If I could meet them even for one second that will be so nice

P.S. A note from my boyfriend:

BTW, There have been several rumors floating around the net about the meaning of BJ and Tyler's catch phrase TTOW. Just to let you know, it CERTAINLY NOT a Japanese word meaning good times, as erroneously reported on sites like the Urban dictionary. It was just some letters the two of them saw on a T-shirt in China which has no meaning. Often in Asia meaningless English is used for it's coolness factor as adorments for clothing and signs.

Beauty, eh?

I didn't know about them until this year.

One night, my boyfriend showed me some
"Bob & Doug McKenzie's"video.
It was okay... but I wasn't so impressed, and we didn't watch for a while. Then few months later, we watched Disney's "Brother Bear".(We are trying to watch all movies from Disney, Dream works and Pixar:-D well, all animated movies!Lol)
You know what?? They were playing the Moose!! (The Moose are so loose!!)Then I realized that they are so funny. I really like it♪ So, he bought a DVD for us:) Well, he would've bought it anyways.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Peek a boo!!

When I open the package.

I got it from Internet.
This golden retriever puppy is so cute♪