Thursday, June 18, 2009

Did you hear a Who??

Last night, we watched "Horton hears a who". We had already seen "Grinch" staring Jim Carrey, but we didn't like it so much however Horton was pretty good actually :) Horton looks the same as in the book, and some other characters too♪ The Who village is just like the Seuss Landing in Islands of Adventure (part of Universal Studios Orlando). I didn't like Jojo though, too dark and he doesn't look happy... well I can understand if I have 96 sisters and I am the only boy!! That will be know.

One thing I can't understand is small yellow fluffy guy. In this picture he looks cute but in the movie he is certainty not!! I don't know what he is doing and supposed to be. What kind of animal is that?! Does anybody know??

I wish Horton and the Whos could meet each other.

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