Thursday, June 18, 2009

save R2-D2!!!!

Do you know the game "Pop up Pirate"?? It's a game originally from Japan under the name "Kurohige Kiki Ippatsu"(黒ひげ危機一髪).
To play, first place the Pirate on top of the barrel and turn it.
Then put plastic swords into slots, one of the slots will cause the Pirate to pop up. The person who causes the pirate to pop up loses.

What I mean is CJ won a auction and got a "Pop up R2-D2". I don't
know what to call it in English.
It was much bigger then I expected about 30cm tall and looks so nice♪

Also it's in perfect condition. The pop up part is Luke's lightsaber, and the game play is actually fixing R2-D2. Every time you put in a tool he makes a sound, once the lightsaber pops up that person wins the game.
Though, we made our own rule that person who catches the lightsaber win:)
You know, because I don't want artoo to get damaged!!

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